Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New Job Corp Opportunities Take Hold In New Hampshire

As an organization committed to improving all sectors of the workforce, KRA Corporation is pleased to learn that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is broadening the scope of its Job Corps program and is expanding into New Hampshire.

Frederick Douglass wrote that “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” The Job Corps mission to "help young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through vocational and academic training" speaks to that sentiment through providing this low-income, at-risk group the education, skills, and confidence to succeed through application and hard work.

Through the official DOL blog, Work in Progress, Labor Secretary Tom Perez quite eloquently encapsulated the essence of Jobs Corps when he wrote: “Serving 60,000 young people a year and some 1.5 million over the life of the program, Job Corps embodies American values at their very best. It is living, breathing truth that no matter where you come from, if you work hard and apply yourself, if you are willing to learn and adapt, you can find a pathway to the middle class and capture your share of the American Dream.”

KRA Corporation has hands-on knowledge related to Job Corps operations, and is aware of the important role that work-based learning opportunities and on-the-job training play in developing workers and strengthening communites.  Our organization has been on the ground, providing Job Corps staff development and training services, as well as managing Job Corps centers to provide the type of workforce development support services that afford the best opportunities to our at-risk 16-24 year olds.

While working with the Employment and Training Administration, KRA Corporation designed, developed, and delivered School-to-Work Instructor Training for selected Job Corps instructional staff. We also provided technical, logistical, and research assistance services to promote the development of promising practices for Out-of-School Youth (OSY)/School-to-Work programming to rural and urban grantees.

KRA Corporation remains committed to furthering the training and employment opportunities of young workers, and actively develops the occupational skills and employability of this segment of our workforce through several WIA Youth Services Programs, serving both In-School and OSY populations.  In one of our previous posts, KRA highlighted the need for investment in youth services as it represents an alternative pathway to success for those that might not have access to the more traditional route.


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