Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Veterans Get Added Boost from DOL, Construction Industry

KRA Corporation has long maintained that veterans are one of the most important groups contributing to the U.S. workforce. With knowledge, skills, and abilities developed both before and during their service to our country, most possess the necessary assets to succeed in the workplace.  It is why a recent KRA
  highlighting the reported number of unemployed, homeless, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program recipients among our veterans was so alarming.

It is also why the recent announcements regarding veteran employment and reintegration services from the construction industry and the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program respectively draws the highest praise from our organization.

At a recent symposium hosted by the Department of Labor (DOL) and Joining Forces, it was made public that a coalition of more than 100 construction companies have committed to hiring more than 100,000 veterans over the next 5 years.

The construction industry is expected to add 1.5 million jobs by 2022, making it one of the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ fastest-growing industries, and ideal to lead the veteran employment charge.

The Secretary of Labor, Thomas Perez, reiterated the DOL’s commitment to veteran employment saying, “The Department of Labor will do whatever it takes to help our veterans translate their skills and leadership into jobs" adding, “All men and women who have sacrificed for our country in our armed services deserve opportunities for good jobs worthy of their character and their achievements."

First Lady, Michelle Obama, who co-launched Joining Forces, praised this move in a post saying the pledge is “not just because it's the patriotic thing to do, and not just because they want to repay our veterans for their service to our country, but because they know that it's the smart thing to do for their business."

In addition, the DOL has announced grants totaling $900,000, which will fund services provided by the Veterans' Employment and Training Service to “help local partners provide essential services to those who have served in America's armed forces that will ease their transition to civilian life.”

The two grants of $450,000 each have been awarded to Advocates for Human Potential Inc. and the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, and will augment the delivery systems for existing HVRP grant services including those for homeless veterans with families and female veterans.

KRA Corporation believes that---along with youth-employment programming and relief for the long-term unemployed, which many times includes veterans, our ex-armed services personnel are among the most important target populations in need of assistance to get their lives back on track.  Therefore, we are heartened to see that the DOL’s commitment to improving the plight of U.S. veterans, who have served our country so valiantly, remains consistent.

KRA Corporation commends the efforts of all agencies and organizations that are dedicated to improving the lives of our veterans. We remain committed to strengthening the communities in which we live by preparing our veterans and all job seekers for today’s global economy.



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