KRA Corporation looks at some of the figures and factors that predominate the size and earning capabilities of Federal employees as 2014 unfolds.
As the White House continues to employ measures aimed at creating jobs and growing the middle class, there is a movement toward shrinking their own ranks from within. According to a Government Executive article, the Federal Government lost a further 7,000 jobs in November—which is on top of the additional 18,000 positions that closed in September and October combined.
It seems that this downward trend in employment within the government is calculated. The Bureau of Labor Statistics is reporting that some 92,000 Federal jobs were shed over the course of the last year with buyouts, hiring freezes, and retirement being some of the factors that have chiseled the number of jobs within the Federal government.
The core of this move to shrinking the number of government positions seems to be part of the budget balancing efforts, with the initiatives in the fiscal 2014 budget projected to diminish the government employment figures a further 3.6%.
It seems that attrition will be another contributor to a diminishing Federal workforce, with those positions made available by retiring employees apparently not being filled—a measure that is expected to cut the Federal employee roll by up to 10% by 2015.
Additionally, lawmakers are looking to reform compensation offered by the Federal government to its employees. In attempting to have Federal employees contribute to their pensions (coupled with benefits and pay changes) to be on par with the private sector, the House Budget Committee expects to trim an estimated $132 billion.
One of the factors that fuels the debate over cutting compensation is the average earnings between the public and private sector. Numbers and reports used to refute or corroborate reasoning seem to vary, however. A Huffington Post article suggests that it might be as much as a quarter less from public to private in similar positions while a 2012 Congressional Budget Office report suggests that public-sector employees earn 16% more in total compensation.
As an organization dedicated to preparing job seekers for tomorrow's global economy and supplying employers with a trained and reliable workforce, KRA Corporation empathizes with those unemployed Federal employees and hopes for their speedy reintegration into the workforce.
In our efforts to improve the lives of individuals and strengthen the communities in which we live, KRA Corporation will continue to support the mission of Federal, state, and local agencies by servicing the needs of all those seeking employment through our innovative and comprehensive One-Stop Career Center Operations for WIA-eligible Adults, Dislocated Workers, and Youth and TANF Employment Services, regardless of political or economic environment.
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