Tuesday, July 2, 2013

KRA Corporation Enjoys Prominent Place on NAWDP Website

This year’s 2013 National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) Conference in Minneapolis, MN, Putting America to Work, saw KRA Corporation enjoy the lion share of representation (with more than 25 corporate- and program-level executives, managers, and staff from California to Connecticut) as well as space on the conference website.

Held May 19 – 22, the NAWDP post-conference webpage regarding the event stated, “Over 90 breakout workshops, three plenary, two super sessions and two deep dive sessions were featured.”

The Conference’s Opening Session video, produced by KRA Corporation Trainer & Subject Matter Expert from KRA/CTWorksOne-Stop Centers in Hartford, Joseph Seymour, was well received and the subject of hearty thanks from NAWDP on the conference page.

Designing and conducting one of the workshops—Presentation Skills for Workforce Development Professionals—Seymour went a step further to provide valuable tips and techniques for “powering” PowerPoint presentations back up.

The only Gold-Level Sponsor, KRA Corporation was extremely active in Conference activities. Two engaged KRA team members were also recognized on the website for their contributions to social media as the second and third place winners of the twitterfeed award which the site recognized as a way to “sharpen their tweeting skills by communicating key points and lessons learned in the workshops.”

Stating, “Twitterfeed a Success!”  Maxine Suka, KRA Corporation Program Manager for the multi-site San Diego Metro Region One-Stop Career Center Program, took second place while Diana Wong—KRA Training Account Coordinator at the same program—was third.

Wong was also on hand to co-present a workshop—Case Management: Staff, Clients and LinkedIn? Oh My!—with KRA Social Media Coordinator & Trainer, Juliana Castillo, presenting an innovative approach to case management using businesses’ and professionals’ number one social media networking site.

Featuring a “THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS…Gold Level Sponsorship…KRA – Developing Workers. Strengthening Communities” on the conference page, the “Get Recognized” page also recognizes the KRA Corporation employees who received two of the four annual NAWDP honors.

Tiffany Haynes, Instructor, KRA/VIEW Program, Norfolk, VA, received the Jodi Spiegel Enhancement of Customer Service Award, while KRA Coordinator of Staff Development and Core Services, KRA/CTWorks’ Beth McCabe, CWDP, accepted the Professional Development Award.

McCabe also co-presented Location, Location, Location: Meet Customers Where They Are with Julie Watson, Director of Program Operations, Capital Workforce Partners (North Central CT WIB and KRA/CTWorks client) and Kellie O’Donnell, Senior Public Service Librarian and Manager of Job and Career Services, Hartford Public Library (KRA/CTWorks partner). The presentation explored an avant-garde national model for delivering workforce services in collaborative relationships with local library systems.

Chair of the NAWDP Board of Directors and Senior Vice President for KRA Workforce Operations, Don Scott, concluded:

“On behalf of KRA, I want to thank NAWDP for its acknowledgment of our contributions to the success of the 2013 Annual Conference.  KRA is proud to be a long-standing member and supporter of NAWDP’s mission as the national voice for our profession, effectively meeting the professional development needs of our membership.  Kim Staley, our Vice President and Director of Client Services, just this month was re-elected to the Board as the Director for the state of Connecticut, and together we will continue to advocate for NAWDP in advancing the goals, objectives, and  interests of its members, as well as the entire workforce development industry.”

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